Elite Stone Products
“Building Dreams … Adding Value”
Elite Stone Products is a proud family owned and operated business established in Southern Manitoba in 2009. We manufacture and supply stone products throughout Manitoba, Northern Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Alberta that includes a full line of quality stone and brick veneer as well as unique trim accessories. Additionally, we offer complete installation of our stone products.
Our Vision:
Our vision is to be the leading stone manufacturer and supplier in Manitoba, Northern Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. By producing the highest quality veneer stone and providing exceptional customer service, we strive to distinguish ourselves as the preferred choice for elite stone solutions in the region.
Our Mission:
“Our mission is to honor God by serving our customers with the utmost dedication and excellence. We are committed to enhancing the lives of our employees through continuous education and skill development. By providing high-quality veneer at affordable prices, we aim to positively impact our communities and meet the needs of those we serve.”
Product / Price Committment:
Our products are all authentic Canadian stone designed to create a natural stone appearance. We stive to manufacture the finest quality veneer stone on the market. We are committed to providing our customers with the most realistic products and the finest craftsmanship, at the best possible price.